Mumbai Saga
"Mumbai Saga" is a Bollywood crime action film released in 2021. The movie is set in the backdrop of Mumbai's underworld in the 1980s and 1990s. It revolves around the conflict between two prominent characters, Amartya Rao, a common man who becomes a gangster, and Inspector Vijay Savarkar, a dedicated police officer.
Amartya Rao, portrayed by John Abraham, rises through the ranks of the criminal world and becomes a powerful figure, while Inspector Vijay Savarkar, played by Emraan Hashmi, is determined to bring him to justice. The film explores their cat-and-mouse game, the rise of the Mumbai underworld, and the political and criminal elements that shape the city during that era.
The movie features elements of action, drama, and crime, and it delves into the complexities of power, politics, and the criminal underworld in Mumbai. It's a fast-paced and action-packed story with an ensemble cast and intense performances.
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Bollywood Movies