Devdas (2002)
"Devdas" is a timeless Bollywood classic directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and is one of the many adaptations of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's novel. The film delves into the tragic life of Devdas Mukherjee, who is deeply in love with his childhood friend Parvati, also known as Paro. However, due to class and family conflicts, they are unable to marry. Devdas turns to alcohol to drown his sorrows, and Paro is married off to another man.
Devdas seeks solace with Chandramukhi, a courtesan, and their relationship evolves.
The film portrays the emotional turmoil of Devdas as he grapples with his unrequited love for Paro and his complicated relationship with Chandramukhi.
The story culminates in a heartbreaking and tragic ending as Devdas spirals deeper into self-destructive behavior, ultimately leading to his demise. "Devdas" is a poignant tale of love, societal norms, and personal tragedy, known for its grandiose sets, stunning cinematography, and memorable performances by the lead actors.
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Bollywood Movies